I have been smoking for around 7 years and finally I decided I need to quit for health concerns and because it is a terrible money sap. A few years back I looked into a few brands of e-cigs and tried one out but it was relatively new then and it didn't hold me in the end.
I bring you the one e-cig that seems to be working fantasically for me. The Joye eGo has an amazing battery life that can last me all day long and gives a great throat hit which I found lacking in other models. Throat hit is very important to me because if I can't feel it, it won't feel like a real cigarette and I'll have the craving to go back. Dripping with e-liquid opens up the path for many unique flavors ranging from regular cigarette, menthol, to crazy flavors such as pizza or cherry coke.
Vapor production is really good on this model and to most people it looks like I'm smoking a cigarette but now I can smoke inside, in my car, or any place that doesn't permit smoking because there is no second smoke and it has no smell to it.
Cost wise the starter unit is around $50 and a 30ml bottle of e-liquid is $15 which last around 300 cigarettes worth. So it cost a little to start out but after awhile cost are significantly reduced, 300 real cigarettes= around $90 with prices rising every day.
After just a couple of weeks I have not been tempted to smoke a real cigarette, I feel better, my sense of smell and taste have returned to normal. I can smell cigarette smoke again and if someone has recently smoked I can smell them as they pass by.
I recommend this to anyone who smokes cigarettes, it is healthier for you and it is vastly cheaper than regular cigarettes. I got mine from www.liberty-flights.com if you use my discount code: novacain you will also receive a %10 discount on purchases. For any current e-cig smokers let me know how you feel about your own devices.